Advance Directive
There are three common types of advance directives: a living will, a health care surrogate, and an anatomical donation.
A Living Will is your set of personal instructions about your medical care and treatment. A Living Will lets your doctor and family know what kind of medical care you want or do not want if you are very ill and cannot express your wishes.
A Health Care Surrogate is someone who you choose to make medical decisions for you in case you are not able to communicate your own choices. A health care surrogate should be someone you trust to make choices on your behalf.
An Anatomical Donation is a document that indicates your wish to donate all or part of your body at death. This can be an organ and tissue donation to persons in need. This can also be a donation of your body for education and research. You can indicate your choice to be an organ donor by designating it on your driver’s license or state identification card. You can also fill out a uniform donor form or express your wish in a living will.
Remember, you have the right to accept or refuse treatment and to complete an advance directive. It is your choice to complete an advance directive. Your health plan does not discriminate against you based on whether or not you have signed an advance directive.

If you do choose to have an advance directive, follow these simple steps:
Get the form.
There are many places to get advance directives forms. We have included one option (which is not one that we sponsor or endorse, but was a thorough fillable pdf) for you to use. See below.
Be sure to ask your intended health care surrogate if they agree to take on this responsibility. Make sure to discuss with them how you would like matters handled.
Fill it out, sign it, and file it.
Remember this is a legal document. You may want to consult your attorney for assistance. Some states have a registry where you can file your advance directives.
Give copies to the appropriate people.
Make sure that your health care provider, attorney, and the significant persons in your life know that you have an advance directive and where it is located. You may want to give them a copy as well.
Keep it safe.
Set up a file where you can keep a copy of your advance directive and other important paperwork. Some people keep original papers in a bank safety deposit box. You may also want to keep copies at your house or information concerning the location of your safety deposit box.
Keep a card or note in your purse or wallet that states that you have an advance directive and where it is located.
Keep it up-to-date.
If you change your advance directive, make sure your health care provider, attorney and the significant persons in your life have the latest copy.